Monday, March 12, 2007

Are honda cars really better than other manufacturers?

Hondas have a reputation for being safe, reliable, and attractive cars. Pros and cons of these automobiles.
Honda is a well-known company that is a leader in the automobile industry. They have a reputation for being the best of the best when it comes to safety, reliability, and value. People who buy Hondas often say that they are confident with their purchase because they are not worried that their new car will be made without care and attention; they believe that they will not have to spend much money on repairs since the cars are known for being so well made. Buyers also have reported that they are happy with their decision to buy a Honda because the re-sale values are so good for Hondas since their durability over time is strong. Not only does Honda have the reputation for making high-quality machinery, but their vehicles are also cited as some of the most attractive mid-priced automobiles on the market. Their vehicles have sleek and stylish lines and curves. From coupe to sedan, from hatch-back to C-RV, Honda truly has been able to make their presence and excellence known amongst consumers. However, when something seems too good to be true, it usually is – so are Honda cars really better than vehicles made by other manufacturer’s, or is it all just hype?
Crash-test ratings are one of the most tangible determinates of a car’s quality, strength, and durability. The Honda Accord, models from 2003 to 2005, ranked good (the highest possible rating) in all areas of the 40 mph frontal crash test. In contrast, the Hyundai Elantra received an overall score of poor on the same crash test, the lowest of four possible scores (good, acceptable, marginal, and poor). The Chevrolet Lumina, however, ranked good in all categories of this crash test – the same score as the Honda Accord. So what does that tell us so far? Hondas may be better than some cars in the crash test department, but they are not trumping the competition in this arena.
Auto mechanics attest that Hondas generally do not require as much unexpected service and maintenance as many other vehicles. The prices for a Honda are usually not much higher than comparable vehicles, but the real savings comes when you analyze how much money you are saving due to the repair ratios. There is no way to determine whether that assertion is statistically true because in order to prove that fact, every auto mechanic, private and commercial, or just people who are qualified to make their own vehicle repairs and just need to buy the parts – they would all have to have kept a diligent records of the stats between makes and models of cars and the total number of repairs that had to be made over the life of each repaired vehicle. However, the overwhelming hypothesis is that Hondas are reliable, and will not deteriorate rapidly after you drive them off the dealership lot. However, that does not prove that Hondas are “better,” and so the debate rages on.
Maybe all that really matters is how the drivers who buy Hondas feel compared to the drivers who buy other cars. Which consumer, on average, was happier with their purchase? Customer satisfaction ratings do not imply that the non-Honda customer is feeling any better, statistically. In conclusion, the question of whether Hondas are better than other cars is impossible to answer because that is a matter of personal opinion, and even if many people can concur that they personally feel Honda is better, that does not make their repeatedly-stated opinions a fact.


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